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General Q&A, Bee chat and only Bee chat please
 #12927  by NigelP
 11 Jul 2022, 08:16
JoJo it's quite a common occurrence that bees will try and supersede any new queen. I think they recognise her as being a queen, but an alien queen. The secret is to get rid of any swarm cells until the queen is surrounded by her own offspring.
Of course not every bought queen will be perfect!
Nice summation Alfred.
 #12928  by AdamD
 11 Jul 2022, 09:21
I have one new queen that's being superceded at the moment; She hasn't been the hive for long although does have some of her brood with her as two nucs were combined. I cut the queencell out on Wedensday and although there were eggs, the queen looked quite thin. Another supercedure queencell was there yesterday - in the middle of the comb - and very few eggs.
 #12929  by JoJo36
 11 Jul 2022, 10:49
It was odd Nigel as I had had her for a couple of months and then suddenly a supercedure cell?!
Maybe she had something wrong with her but the resultant queen was okay as far as I can remember!
I've got a similar thing in one of mine Adam, I've left supercedure cell there for them to make a new queen but may be for the good as present one laying but not much!
 #12930  by NigelP
 12 Jul 2022, 19:54
Sometimes it is a judgement call. I have a queen that I'm about to replace as she is giving a "spotty" brood pattern. Must take some phots' before replacing....she will be replaced by a greyhound. ^ frame nuc and she has laid 4 frames wall to wall....they need room and soon...
 #12931  by NigelP
 12 Jul 2022, 20:51
Sometimes it is a judgement call. I have a queen that I'm about to replace as she is giving a "spotty" brood pattern. Must take some phots' before replacing....she will be replaced by a greyhound. ^ frame nuc and she has laid 4 frames wall to wall....they need room and soon...
 #12932  by Alfred
 13 Jul 2022, 19:48
Very similar day
Too many nucs too many sluggish hives
Had a reckoning.
I had a new queen from a split that was underperforming to say the least.
Even when she finally got over the chalkbrood she was pepperpotting
But she was so elusive-been giving me the slip for weeks.
Not today - just a glimpse in the corner of my eye as she slinked around the other side of the frame.
Clean kit in a new location and combined with a caste swarm that had been outperforming her in a green correx box.
Dead queens brood box was half full of uncapped stores so it went underneath and I'm hoping to get a super on it by the weekend if they plan on moving it now.
Tipped out some hopeless rubbish from the swarm collections,made a retreat and plan next weeks carnage.
 #12935  by AdamD
 15 Jul 2022, 12:21
AdamD wrote:
11 Jul 2022, 09:21
I have one new queen that's being superceded at the moment; She hasn't been the hive for long although does have some of her brood with her as two nucs were combined. I cut the queencell out on Wedensday and although there were eggs, the queen looked quite thin. Another supercedure queencell was there yesterday - in the middle of the comb - and very few eggs.
Update: the latest eggs that have been laid are mostly drone eggs so she was definitely on the way out. I have helped her along and put in a caged new queen.
 #12938  by JoJo36
 17 Jul 2022, 05:06
Just going to offer mine sunscreen, ice lollies and sun hats today or maybe even a cocktail!
It's going to be a hot couple of days!! :)
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