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  • One or two queencells

  • Beginners forum, ask beekeeping related questions and get help from other experienced beekeepers. Please use the Search Feature please to avoid duplicated threads
Beginners forum, ask beekeeping related questions and get help from other experienced beekeepers. Please use the Search Feature please to avoid duplicated threads
 #14493  by Spike
 06 Jul 2024, 11:50
I borrowed a couple of books from the library and one said leave one queencell and the other said leave two.
What should I do?
 #14494  by NigelP
 06 Jul 2024, 15:48
Whatever you feel more comfortable with.
I leave 2, Adam leaves 1.
I believe in the extra insurance of 2 in case one is dud. And to date have never had a hive swarm when leaving 2 cells.
In practise though if you have seen a nice juicy larva in the queen cell before it has been sealed I would say you are safe to stick with 1.
The problem though is all he queen cells you have missed hidden away on other frames, when selecting the 2 (or 1) to leave :D
Its why I use Snelgrove as my go to method of swarm control as the bees tear ALL the queen cells down for least they usually do. I had a puzzler his week where they hadn't torn them down. Then I noticed no eggs or young larvae and no queen in either box.
 #14495  by AdamD
 08 Jul 2024, 14:02
I do leave one and have definitely seen swarms leave with the first virgin out, if I have left a queencell by mistake - as you say Nigel, it's often an emergency one that was missed or arrived very late to the party. I would not deliberately leave two; and those nice well-supplied larvae in a queencup are almost certainly going to produce a good queen.
Small colonies are less likely to swarm if there are two queencells compared to a full-sized one.

I had a go at queen-raising using the miller method a couple of weeks ago which is a method that I don't usually use. It worked well and I obtained some nice queencells, I used some and then put the frame into a small nuc with the idea that the 8 or 9 virgins remaining would sort themselves out once they emerged. I believed the nuc to be queenless. However it wasn't and the queen that I had not been able to find, speared they virgins in their cells and when I inspected, all were in the process of being broken down from the back - and then I saw the queen - and eggs; She had just started laying so she had definitely been there all along.