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Re: Forage , what's flowering in your area?
PostPosted:13 May 2024, 09:00
by AdamD
Rhododendrons around here are flowering well, with a buzz from bees. It has been said that Rhody honey is hallucinogenic, which might be interesting!
Re: Forage , what's flowering in your area?
PostPosted:19 May 2024, 01:35
by MickBBKA
Hawthorn over 50% finished, Horse Chestnut well on its way. The OSR is going green and Dandelions well gone. I so wish Buttercup was used by the bees as its the most I have ever seen. Fields of solid gold but my bees would rather starve before ever looking at a buttercup. The colony at home smells very strong of Cow/Hedge Parsley which has become a saviour over the last 5 years. It loves rain and the growth after a week of sun is unbelievable. After these have finished that's pretty much it until next year. When I first started beekeeping my first inspections were in March. The June gap lasts from June until May now when I do my first inspections.

Re: Forage , what's flowering in your area?
PostPosted:19 May 2024, 05:56
by NigelP
And 20 miles down the road.....the Hawthorne is looking magnificent, and the chestnut candles are just coming out. Coinciding with the best weather of the year. Got my second extractions to do this week, bees have gone crazy. Although far too many are showing swarm inclinations....
Re: Forage , what's flowering in your area?
PostPosted:25 May 2024, 00:46
by MickBBKA
I have had one colony swarm which I retrieved. The rest are just concentrating on surviving.

Re: Forage , what's flowering in your area?
PostPosted:09 Jun 2024, 10:48
by AdamD
Portugese Laurel is flowering - we have a number of trees nearby and the smell is lovely! Bees seem to like it too.
Re: Forage , what's flowering in your area?
PostPosted:15 Jun 2024, 15:10
by B1B2
Lime is close to flowering
Re: Forage , what's flowering in your area?
PostPosted:18 Jun 2024, 12:48
by NigelP
Bramble is flowering in sheltered sunny spots with lots more to come. Bees are bringing in a yellow pollen, possibly clover or elder.
Re: Forage , what's flowering in your area?
PostPosted:25 Jun 2024, 01:29
by MickBBKA
Lots in flower like bramble, elder, clover and some cow parsley left.
We have had just 1 day of rain in the last 5 for the 1st time in 10 months and after my inspections on the 19th I set out today with a truck full of feeders and syrup as most colonies were completely empty of liquid stores. I was amazed to find most colonies had 75% filled 2 or more supers from empty in 5 days. Every year I wish I could see how my bees get on with 8 weeks of nice weather. Yellow heat alert today for all regions except the North East says it all

Re: Forage , what's flowering in your area?
PostPosted:27 Jun 2024, 18:11
by SimnFishr
Driving a different route home, I realised there were 3 fields of phacelia about 3/4 mile from my (4) hives. Bramble in full flower, sweet chestnut just starting, lime not flowering yet.
On the down side, 2 colonies failed to raise new queens from healthy looking queencells. Thankfully I’d kept the old ones in purdah so was able to (re)unite.