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  • Sales

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Please state your location & condition of the item for sale. Contact should be made through private messages.
 #14132  by AdamD
 26 Oct 2023, 14:56
Both Maisemore and Paynes have October sales on if anyone is depserate for anything.

Polynucs are now around the £60 mark from both companies. I bought a job-lot of Paynes ones for £30 each not long ago.
 #14601  by AdamD
 04 Oct 2024, 16:38
As last year, Maisies sale has started and continues until 30th November 2024.

As many know, Paynes have closed down.
 #14606  by B1B2
 15 Oct 2024, 11:48
Is someone selling the Paynes pollys now?
 #14612  by NigelP
 16 Oct 2024, 16:54
I ddin't know that Adam. How sad. My first poly hives were Paynes... but their incompatibilty with anything else made me sell them in the end.
 #14614  by AdamD
 17 Oct 2024, 09:35
I was not too worried about the compatibility as you could mix and match with wooden boxes (Certainly better than the Paradise hives which had dimensional issues) however the brood box was awkward to lift and the polystyrene was not strong enough, as propolis is stronger than the poly and bits would crack off. Bees als decided to chew their way through the split between two brood boxes making a second entrance. I too sold my Paynes.
The same "weak" polystyrene of the nucs seems to be just about OK though. However my two originals (8 framers now) are getting very tired.

I assume someone will have bought the rights/tooling for the Paynes stuff and will launch them to the world soon. (By to the world, I mean the UK as we have our own special frame sizes and would have been better sticking to Langstroth frames in the first place imo.)
 #14644  by AdamD
 20 Nov 2024, 10:08
Abelo have a Black Friday 10 day sale starting 22 November.

They are promoting their Mini Plus National which is confusing as their small mating hive used to be called a mini-plus, I thought? And I assume the frame sizes are different - but they don't give much information away.
 #14654  by AdamD
 27 Nov 2024, 09:42
Simon the Beekeeper has taken over the Paynes Polyhive business and pre-orders will start on 29th November.
 #14664  by Spike
 16 Dec 2024, 20:48
i bought one a few years ago. They have gone up a lot since.
 #14676  by Polymorph
 27 Dec 2024, 17:50
Thornes starting on 28th December and Maisemore 26th Dec. Both to end jan :)