BBKA Forum

British Beekeepers Association Official Forum 

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General Q&A, Bee chat and only Bee chat please
 #14432  by AdamD
 01 Jun 2024, 12:50
I've taken some supers off just this week as the OSR is pretty well finished. We don't seem to had as much bad weather here on the east coast of Norfolk as some places although we get a "bit" of wind off the N Sea as Mick does.

Addition: 6 or 8 super frames could not be extracted much as the OSR was setting in the comb. One bucket of OSR had set within 24 hours of extraction, so I was just in time.
 #14439  by MickBBKA
 09 Jun 2024, 03:48
I tried to upload some pics but this site is so crap I lost the will to live in the 19th century and will just have to let you imagine what its like in the 21st century. Its an absolute joke that this is a national forum where you cannot upload an image without putting your head in a vice.. No wonder it has about 6 regular contributors.
So I had hoped to show you some 21st century pics of the weather this year which has been the worst I have ever experienced in my life for the first 6 months of the year and pics of eggs laid by my first queens of 2024 to help dispel the BBKA myth that colonies cluster at 14c and queens flight take place above 18c. Anyway I now have queens successively laying despite the temps never being above 15C for more than a moment in the shelter of the east and northeast winds of death that have never stopped so far this year and still forecast for the next 2 weeks.
TBH, I think I am done here as the BBKA show no sign of interest in this forum or the members thoughts and experiences which do not align with their own mantra................ :roll:
 #14440  by JoJo36
 09 Jun 2024, 07:49
That's a shame Mick re pics, I tried a year or two ago and unless you're signed up to social media sites you couldn't easily do it!
Very frustrating to say the least! It should be simple to encourage others to contribute and show their apiaries and interesting stuff!
It's not been very warm down South either and unbelievable to think we're into June! My 3 colonies have been really slow and odd this year with loads of pollen but not much honey so far...... :shock:
 #14441  by NigelP
 09 Jun 2024, 08:43
Science of queen mating , cant recall paper but they electronically tagged queens showed they will go on mating flights from 14C and do several mating flights. The apiarist has summed up the work.
 #14443  by AdamD
 09 Jun 2024, 10:52
MickBBKA wrote:
09 Jun 2024, 03:48
I tried to upload some pics but this site is so crap I lost the will to live in the 19th century and will just have to let you imagine what its like in the 21st century. Its an absolute joke that this is a national forum where you cannot upload an image without putting your head in a vice..
The BBKA are looking for an administrator for the forum. Howeve I have had a fiddle in the settings and have enabled uploading of pictures.
Below the typing box is a tab that says 'Upload Attachment' as you'll see below where I added a picture of Protugese Laurel into the 'what's flowering section. You can find a file on your computer and upload.
As I am not an administrator, I don't know if there are any limits to how many files that can be uploaded on the server but let's see how it goes - it might go pear-shaped before too long! File size needs to be under 500k per picture atm.
Screenshot 2024-06-09 104715.png
Screenshot 2024-06-09 104715.png (92.38KiB)Viewed 9450 times
 #14444  by AdamD
 09 Jun 2024, 10:57
NigelP wrote:
09 Jun 2024, 08:43
Science of queen mating , cant recall paper but they electronically tagged queens showed they will go on mating flights from 14C and do several mating flights. The apiarist has summed up the work.
I don't expect to see queens mating in anything below 18 degrees air temperature.

Note I have also added the ability to include links. You click on the cufflinks above and then insert the website address in between the bracketed url bits:-
 #14446  by NigelP
 09 Jun 2024, 14:40
Well done Adam. I might be interested in the admin job, but would like to know what it entails before committing further.
 #14449  by AdamD
 15 Jun 2024, 15:08
Before the rain started today I check some stocks. Some are not getting enough nectar in which will be a concern if the weather remains poor. I have a few virgins waiting to mate and a concern is that they have been around a little while already and warm weather for mating is looking elusive. I was not planning to raise any more queens however it looks like I might have to.
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