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  • Flow Hive

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General Q&A, Bee chat and only Bee chat please
 #14683  by MCRM71
 12 Jan 2025, 17:10
I removed the queen excluder in November to allow the bees to access the flow super for extra food. When should I move the queen back to the brood box ad add the queen excluder so I can clean the supers ready for spring?
 #14684  by NigelP
 13 Jan 2025, 08:28
Its quite possible that if the "super" is on top your queen will start laying up there. If possible I would move the super underneath the brood box, so the brood box is uppermost. This will now be the warmest pat of the hive and the queen should start laying up there. I would do ASAP as now is the time that queens start laying after a winter brood break.
 #14685  by AdamD
 13 Jan 2025, 13:03
I agree with Nigel - swap the boxes over when you can. It might be a bit mesy if the bees are living between two boxes though.
I put supers under brood boxes during September (no queen excluder). The bees have time to move themselves and food around if they want to as it's not too cold at that time of year. In March or at the time of first inspection, the nadired super is usually empty of stores and very very rarely has any brood so it's easy to remove.
 #14686  by B1B2
 14 Jan 2025, 09:14
How do you clean a flow super when it’s had brood in it?
 #14687  by MCRM71
 14 Jan 2025, 21:03
Thanks for the advice. Will undertake the swap.
 #14688  by AdamD
 16 Jan 2025, 15:09
B1B2 wrote:
14 Jan 2025, 09:14
How do you clean a flow super when it’s had brood in it?
At some point it's going to happen so I had a quick look online and didn't see any real reference to it. Apart from it might be a bit tedious!
With OSR close by most years, I'm not convinced that flow hives will work well for me.