I'm fed up with people misunderstanding Buckfast bees and various lines that are kept going by many dedicated Buckfast bee breeders. Their crosses can all be followed, as each breeder has to record them and make them publicly available.
Part of the misunderstanding is due to their being breeders using isolated mating stations, islands II etc to ensure their crosses are between set Buckfast Lines such as, Anatolica Breeder, Caucasica Breeder, Carpatica-combination Breeder, Mellifera (black-brown) Breeder and many others. These guys breed Buckfast with Buckfast. Most are in other parts of Europe as few isolated mating stations in the UK.
If you want one their queens it will cost you over a £150 pounds. These are what I used to breed my queens from. So the progeny of these queens in my area are open mated and although the 1st generation progeny are all pure Buckfast the sperm those queens are now carrying is mainly mongrel. These are what I call F1.
These are the type of queens many UK breeders are selling you. They buy in Island mated queens and open mate them....these are usually £35-50 a pop and are what most beekeepers buy in, often from dodgy dealers importing in large numbers from abroad..
Hopefully that has explained that part.
Next post is going to be lengthy as I'm going to share with you the potted history of Brother Adam and the Buckfast bee. As you will see the original cross was Lingusta/Amm and further Amm (from France) was introduced into the line in 1930. Anyone claiming Amm is not a part of the Buckfast genome should save their breath for cooling their porridge.
Lots of lines were produced before getting crossed back into the main Buckfast line. It is some of these lines that exist today and are maintained by many of the "proper" Buckfast breeders that they are using to advance the Buckfast heritage . This also what leads to a lot of the confusion in thinking Buckfast is only one type of bee. There are many Buckfast lines with different characteristics, just as there are many mongrel bees in the UK with different characteristics. Or any other race of bee come to think of it. Brother Adam never finished producing the ideal Buckfast, this is left to the dedicated breeders of today.
Part of the misunderstanding is due to their being breeders using isolated mating stations, islands II etc to ensure their crosses are between set Buckfast Lines such as, Anatolica Breeder, Caucasica Breeder, Carpatica-combination Breeder, Mellifera (black-brown) Breeder and many others. These guys breed Buckfast with Buckfast. Most are in other parts of Europe as few isolated mating stations in the UK.
If you want one their queens it will cost you over a £150 pounds. These are what I used to breed my queens from. So the progeny of these queens in my area are open mated and although the 1st generation progeny are all pure Buckfast the sperm those queens are now carrying is mainly mongrel. These are what I call F1.
These are the type of queens many UK breeders are selling you. They buy in Island mated queens and open mate them....these are usually £35-50 a pop and are what most beekeepers buy in, often from dodgy dealers importing in large numbers from abroad..
Hopefully that has explained that part.
Next post is going to be lengthy as I'm going to share with you the potted history of Brother Adam and the Buckfast bee. As you will see the original cross was Lingusta/Amm and further Amm (from France) was introduced into the line in 1930. Anyone claiming Amm is not a part of the Buckfast genome should save their breath for cooling their porridge.
Lots of lines were produced before getting crossed back into the main Buckfast line. It is some of these lines that exist today and are maintained by many of the "proper" Buckfast breeders that they are using to advance the Buckfast heritage . This also what leads to a lot of the confusion in thinking Buckfast is only one type of bee. There are many Buckfast lines with different characteristics, just as there are many mongrel bees in the UK with different characteristics. Or any other race of bee come to think of it. Brother Adam never finished producing the ideal Buckfast, this is left to the dedicated breeders of today.
Last edited by NigelP on 15 Oct 2020, 17:38, edited 5 times in total.