Clearly the dam has broken and asian hornets will move quite quickly through the country.
Are there enough people who will be able to remove problem nests when they are discovered in 2024 and beyond? (Although, see below, it may not be worthwhile in many cases).
The April edition of the BBKA news has an article by Andrew Durham with the first heading of
The situation is worse than I thought" which was relating to France.
Other paragraph titles are:-
- Nest destruction does not work as a control strategy.
Beekeepers were right about spring trapping; scientists were wrong
There is no knight in shinng armour
You need to know what to do
The south are no longer marginal territories
Get Ready: It's going to be worse than you think.
The BBKA has a load of material written by Andrew material that's hidden to non-members that might be useful to any beekeeper. (I have never been sure why there are hidden parts of the website but that's another matter).
Associations need to be sharing this information and having 'lessons' on dealing with the hornet which will arrive with most of us soon. Will it get established as far as Yorkshire and further north? Some of you guys might be saved!
A UK supplier or two should be encouraged by the BBKA to have the harp electric for sale or perhaps the spanish ARPAS which Andrew suggests could be better. (They seem to work).