BBKA Forum

British Beekeepers Association Official Forum 

  • Have I got CCD?

  • Honeybee pests and diseases.
Honeybee pests and diseases.
 #14575  by Spike
 30 Aug 2024, 21:43
I checked a hive 2 day.
5 frames of brood, mostly sealed and hardly any bees remaining. so brood cold i think. 2 weeks ago it had plenty of bees.
The queen was there. Looked OK.
Lots of stores and no queencells.
Looks like nearly all the bees have gone very recently. Whats happened?
 #14576  by NigelP
 31 Aug 2024, 07:44
Sorry to hear that. When was the last time your treated for varroa? Or checked varroa levels?